Thursday, June 16, 2011

Robins Egg Bike Ride and Grinding My Own Nut Butters

Her tires were flat after our move, so we hadn't gone on a bike ride together for a while.  We went today.  But then I discovered a puncture in my front tire, so we didn't go far.  But we did see this robin's egg in the road in front of a man's house.

"There are tons of robins around here, more every year.  I guess that's good," the man said while his brown dog, a boxer, sniffed and trotted around us.

I liked being able to show my daughter true robin's egg blue. It's one of my favorite colors.

Yesterday, at Sunflower Market, we ground our own almond butter and peanut butter.  This picture shows the almond butter.  It's cheaper to grind your own.  Not a lot cheaper, but it's worth it.  The taste is definitely better than the kind in a jar.

I discovered almond butter while we lived in New York and prefer it over other nut butters.  I had my favorite brand which I haven't been able to find here.  The Sunflower Market brand is as close as it comes.  There are other brands that add sugar and or salt and are just gross.  When I noticed Sunflower has nut butter grinders in the store, I vowed to find the courage to grind our own.  I did that yesterday.  It was super easy-- you just flip a switch up and catch what comes out into the containers they provide.  We didn't grind very much peanut butter because my youngest wasn't impressed by how it came out of the machine and into the container.  He was a little grossed out.  I figured it wasn't worth buying a lot if nobody was going to eat it anyway.  But one of my older daughters has peanut butter almost everyday.  She did a little taste test then said, "The fresh ground stuff tastes like peanuts.  The stuff in the jar tastes like peanut butter."  The only problem with discoveries like this is I love them so much I dread going back to less expensive, gross tasting products. Slowly, I'm turning into a bit of a food snob.


  1. Oh, it would be nice to have access to a professional grinder. It would be hard to make it smooth on your own or even nicely chuncky.

    Love the robin egg. Too bad it lost it's nest.

  2. I've seen those nut grinders at Sunflower too and always wanted to give them a try. Now I will!

  3. The robin's egg sort of looks like a whole shell, but it was only half. I think the baby robin pushed it out of the nest while it was learning to fly.

  4. Whole foods has the nut grinders too but I'm sure they are more expensive than those at Sunflower. Perhaps the kids can experiment with adding a little sugar to their ground peanuts and end up with a product that is still healthier than the stuff in the grocery store.

  5. Yay - my comment posted! I've decided it is something on my desk top that causing the problem since I haven't had a problem posting from my laptop.
