Friday, June 17, 2011

Porch Work

 Before                                                           and                                During

These "before and during" pictures show the reason for the popped blister on my right index finger.  I was yanking up carpet with my bare hands.  Next time I'll wear gloves.  It's a work in progress.  I need to buy a solvent of some sort to use to remove the carpet glue.

When we were looking at this house to see if we wanted to buy it, I knew the green carpet had to go. So it's my first real house project.  I will definitely show the after once I'm done.  I like our back porch.  It's always in the shade.  It will be lovely once I wash the siding and finish the floor.  My son was a little sad to see the carpet go.  "It was the first soft porch we had," he said.  But it wasn't really soft.  "Maybe we should buy a rug to make it soft," I said. "Okay.  A blue one," he said.  I think he'll get his way.


  1. Sometimes people put a thin layer of cement over cement to be able to add color or a design.

  2. I've seen so many cool designs painted onto cement. I've thought about them for my backyard. It's on my someday list.
