Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Saved by Pomegranate

When is the silliest time to start a new diet? You guessed it. Right before Halloween. I nearly gave into the temptation to eat candy last night. If it wasn't for my younger and wiser sister, I am sure I would have eaten at least one of those little candy bars. Thankfully, she brought me pomegranate seeds. This is the first Halloween I remember when I didn't eat any candy. Shocking. I've decided pomegranate seeds are my new candy. 


  1. Pomegranate seeds are so delicious. How wonderful that you have such a thoughtful sister so close by. If you don't mind me asking - what diet plan are you using?

  2. I'm just recording my calories using an on-line counter, staying between a recommended calorie range,drinking plenty of water, avoiding salt, and doing the exercise as much as I can stand it. I lost 50 lbs. this way a couple of years ago, so I know it works, but it is a lot of work.

  3. What a great picture and idea. For the past 3 or 4 months I (mostly) haven't been eating sugar in my diet and I've lost 18 pounds. It wasn't easy at first but now I don't want it. I didn't eat Halloween candy either, but I did eat a couple of pumpkin cookies.
