Monday, October 24, 2011

An Effective Walk

I found this leaf on our walk today.  So I carried it the long way home and put it on a cabbage.

Earlier, we were in deep conversation and I wasn't looking up.

"Do you think that's effective?" he asked.

"What?" I said.

"What's on that wall."

I looked up.
I thought it was very creepy, but I wasn't sure what he meant. If he meant creepy and Halloweeny the answer would be "yes."  If he meant did I like it or would I put giant spiders all over my house the answer would definitely be "no."

"What do you mean by 'effective'?"

"Did it get your attention?" he said.

"Yes." When I looked up, it got my attention.

Later we saw this.
"Is it effective?" I asked.

"No." he said.  I think he just didn't like it.  But it got my attention and I thought it was kinda funny.  Maybe I'd have liked it better without the face.


  1. That reminds me, I haven't seen any Halloween decorations in Dominica. I have heard they do decorate the graves for November 1.

  2. Those spiders are very effective! Very creepy and attention grabbing. I think I would have a spider phobia if they were really that big. They would be a little hard to squash. The last photo reminds me that I wanted to dye a sheet orange, paint a face on it and place it over the little tree in my yard. Do you think that would be effective?

  3. Hmm. I guess it would depend on the color of orange and the type of face. If you are going for the pumpkin look, I think it could be very effective.
