Saturday, October 29, 2011

Singing for Pretty Peppers

One night a week, my husband goes to singing practice with a group of other men. One of the things that makes it easy to support him is he usually brings home presents from their leader's lovely, large garden. In the past, he's brought home nectarines, peaches, zucchini, pears, and plums. One week, somebody gave him a half-gallon of "the best chocolate milk ever."  Unfortunately, I can't remember the brand name, but they make it in Idaho. And yes, it actually contains potato flakes. This week the present was tomatoes and these beautiful peppers. 


  1. It sounds like he has a great incentive to keep going!

  2. I don't think they have a name yet. It's about five or six guys of various ages.

  3. ok - like I would buy this picture to put up in my kitchen - are you sure you are not an artist?
