Thursday, September 9, 2010

Graffiti for Jenni

My oldest daughter and I went walking on the parkway this morning.  On the drive there, we were stopped by a train.  It was a very short train, and my camera and I are slow, or we would have gotten more pics for you Jenni.  S says I should take a movie for you next time.

A field of sunflowers.  It would have looked cooler with somebody standing in the middle of them.  But S has a cold and I was the one who wanted to take the picture.
Mud swallow homes.  And you thought only pigeons live under overpasses.
I told S to hug this sign.  She refused and told me to do it.  I embrace the idea of this sign.  And now I must run off and pick up a certain child from high school, stop at the library, pick up a couple more kids, and take them to the fair.  Seems like I'm always running to do something these days. 


  1. I saw the best urban art while in NY while on the subway train to the US Open. The train was above ground and there were these abandon buildings that were completely covered in the most beautiful graffti! I was so busy looking that I didn't think to take out my camera. There was so much graffiti it looked like a graffiti city.
