Saturday, September 4, 2010

City Biking

I'm not sure how I feel about city biking.  Sometimes I feel more comfortable riding on the sidewalk than on the road.  Sometimes, I don't mind the biking lane when there is one.  It's strange waiting for stop lights and watching out for parked and moving cars and trucks.  Exhaust stinks.  Concrete, businesses, and trains are just not the same as lakes, flowers, and trees.  It's going to take some getting used to biking around the city.

It's been hot, dry, and bright here in UT.  The air is thinner.  The sky is bluer.

  Yeah, I know, some of these photos are washed out.  The sun was so blinding, I couldn't even see what I was shooting some of the time.

My first goal of yesterday was to get on the bike.  The last time I rode I didn't know I'd soon be leaving NY.  That was much too long ago.  The bike left the garage; goal accomplished.

My second goal was to find the Jordan River Parkway.  It turns out it's only about a mile or so west of where we live.

I think I'll be a regular on the Parkway, especially if I bring a biking buddy with me.  The abundance of graffiti, dark tunnels, and bush-lined trails make it easy for my imagination to scare me.


  1. I like your eye for contrast! Remeber going to the Sun Tunnels, or Little Sahara Sand Dunes and how striking the desert beauty is compared with the urban greenery in Salt Lake?
    I had no idea that the JR parkway was so close by. When I would ride up to mom&dad's house, I would go up through the neighborhoods most of the way to 13th So. Then on the way home I'd take 27th So. most of the way, because it was downhill and I could go faster.

  2. I loved walking the Jordan River Parkway. I have walked the length of it many times, some parts many times. The never worried about walking there alone during the daytime. There were a few stretches where I was more comfortable walking with my husband. On a bike I wouldn't have worried at all.

  3. Oh, but pictures of the grafitti would be interesting to me!
