Monday, December 15, 2014


We were blessed with a bit of snow yesterday. 
It was a lovely amount-- just enough to decorate our world a little. 
Sweet M. and I made a couple of snow creatures. 
Hers is on the right. She made the arms shorter after I took pictures.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014


We were talking on our way to Jordan River and missed the turn. 
That's the nice thing about Utah: if you miss one temple you just keep driving for a while and you'll come to another. 
We ended up being very helpful in Draper so it felt meant to be. 

Friday, December 5, 2014


This fall has been unusually mild. I'm not complaining.

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Balmy Morning

The light coming through my opaque bathroom window was an odd yellow.
I threw on my bathrobe, grabbed my camera, and went outside barefoot to see the sky.  A gentle warm wind blew and made me wish I was dressed for a walk.
Now the sky is middle grey. Change is in the air.

Thursday, November 27, 2014

The Heart Has its Reasons

"Le cœur a ses raisons, que la raison ne connaît point." Blaise Pascal

A couple of days ago, I was watching a Masterpiece Theater movie that we checked out from the library. A minor character, Mr. Davis the butcher, had some crazy-sounding ideas. Quentin, the main character, referred to him as proof that the town was odd when he was criticizing the place. Quentin's love interest, Angharad, says, "The heart has its reasons," to help Quentin understand he doesn't know the whole story. We find out later that Mr. Davis fell apart mentally after his three-year-old son drowned but that now he's doing really well except for his few odd beliefs. 

I was thinking about this when I was in the temple yesterday. It's easy to be critical of other people when we don't know the whole story. Being judgmental was not the main theme of the movie-- just a small piece that I've continued to consider. It is good to approach people in an open-hearted, open-minded way. 

This Thanksgiving morning, I'm grateful for bits of truth no matter where I find them. I'm thankful for my parents who helped me recognize truth from a young age. I'm grateful for all kinds of books and movies that help me try to live a better life. 

Saturday, November 15, 2014


Not fall and not winter.  
Leaning toward winter-- cold with our first little snow storm today. 

Friday, October 31, 2014

Color Hunting on a Walk

Warmest, prettiest fall ever.
Are these just outside for Halloween?
Or were they washing them?
Love the yellow door! And contrast.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014


The other two may or may not get carved before Halloween.
M. wanted hers to have big scary teeth.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Paraglider and Poppy

That white spot in the sky is not the moon.
We watched the paraglider for as long as we could. There was a nice breeze going.
Maybe that was what helped the person stay up high for so long. 
Perfect Sunday-afternoon walk with my little boy.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Outside Sammy's in ID

We drove up to Idaho and dropped her off at school this afternoon.
She said we had to stop at Sammy's for burgers and fries.