Friday, October 1, 2021

Lake Blanche Trail in Fall

Several days ago on Instagram, I mentioned I took a lot of pictures when I went to Lake Blanche this past Monday with my youngest daughter. It was an overwhelmingly beautiful hiking experience. Here, I'm going to post a flood of pictures that I want to share that wouldn't fit elsewhere. 

Since last Monday, I have been on several other amazing hikes. I will post some pictures from those hikes either tomorrow or Sunday. 

These pictures are out of order. All the trail pictures are from the way up to the lakes, but they're also out of order. We saw lakes Florence and Lillian too, though we didn't hike down to either one. In an effort to find those lakes, we mistakenly walked all the way around Lake Blanche which was quite challenging and exhausting. We ended up stopping to eat snacks under a tree where there was a clear view down to the other lakes.

I felt great all the way up the trail, but extremely exhausted on the way down. Even so, as you can probably tell from these pictures, it was all worth it.

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