Friday, September 2, 2011


When I walk around the neighborhood, I like looking at Other People's Flowers.  Bees were zipping around these so fast that I couldn't get a picture of one of them.

I love it when people let weedy sunflowers grow.  They come up in random places. Owners of highly cultivated yards probably pull them before they get straggly beautiful like these.

This is totally a Utah image. You wouldn't see dry pines and sunflowers like this in NY.

Peas are climbing over a neighbor's fence.  The bright pink flower made me happy today.  Plants don't care about fences. If they're thriving, nothing can stop them from crossing boundaries.


  1. This pea is trying to disprove Robert Frost's poem "Good Fences make good neighbors."

  2. It is amazing how flowers flower in both deserts and jungles, dry and wet, sun and rain.
