Monday, September 24, 2012


 I rode almost all the way to the mouth of Big Cottonwood Canyon today. I don't think I'll ever be brave enough to ride up that canyon. I've worried about hitting cyclists when I've been in a car going down and around canyon curves.  Cloudy day here in SLC. I'm hoping for rain.

1 comment:

  1. maybe when you are riding as fast as the cars are going down the canyon, it lowers the risk of getting hit by them...
    (just kidding about that)
    but you can do some things to lower the risk,like:
    - riding in a group or with others
    - wearing bright clothing
    - lights and reflectives if it is not bright daylight
    - defensive riding (like keeping aware of approaching cars and any rocks or gravel on the road)
    - positioning yourself safely and ready to use the shoulder of the road
