Monday, August 22, 2011

Hardware X 2

"Looks like you're stiff," said Dr. R. at my appointment this afternoon.

"I've been stiff since my accident," I responded.  That happened eight weeks ago, tomorrow.  Surgery was four weeks ago.

"'Stiff' is just another name for 'plateaued,'" he said.

In other words, I haven't made measurable progress in the two weeks since he saw me last. Discouraging. He said I also have calcium deposits forming which are "typical of this kind of injury."  They may or may not have to be surgically removed in four months or so.

The good news is, today, I got up the courage to ask for a print out of my pretty hardware: two screws in the lower left humerus. Here's a picture of the print out.


  1. Yucky. That looks like enough hardware to make anyone stiff!

  2. Pretty bones. The whole thing is actually amazing when you think about it.
