Thursday, March 31, 2011


Beautiful day here in the UT.  I went on my second (yes, sadly only the second) bike ride of 2011.  As I rested on a bench and drank from my water bottle, I noticed there was an older couple taking pictures in the park.  I don't think they were tourists.  Maybe they are taking a  photography class.  Anyway, they were fun to watch.  Among other things, they took pictures of this fountain, so I thought I'd take one too.  As I got closer to the fountain, the graffiti in the picture on the right caught my attention. The singular "shoeprint" was painted on the horizontal surface of the concrete circular ledge that surrounds the fountain.  Stenciled graffiti?  Weirdly efficient.

The couple walked right past this tree without taking a picture.  After they left, I got closer to the tree.  I love naturally warped wood.  I've learned that if I just stop, sit, and watch for a while, I almost always find interesting things to photograph.  Both pictures are the same deformity from a different distance and angle.

The picture to the left is just another view of the same tree.  I see bulging eyes. The tree on the right is directly across from the eyes tree and looks like it has a nice little nose.  I wonder what caused such strange nodules in these facing trees.


  1. I believe these are enchanted trees and they were having a hard time hiding their facial features from you. :D

  2. Ha ha! Good one Lisa. I'd love to see that animated.
