Friday, March 4, 2011

Compassion Requested

Forty years, an old couple lived and cared
For a home where they raised four children.
They planned to sell.
Accepted our offer.
We hoped their history would become our future.
At inspection, they smiled at us.
A week later, leaving became reality.
He claimed heart problems.
We gave reassurance, time, financial forgiveness.
Real reasons surfaced:
They are terrified,
Want us to give up.
We're resisting.
Our offer won't die.
I envision their tears and wrinkled clinging arms.
I've wanted to be the answer to prayers, not the face of nightmares.


  1. Sad song. Change is hard even when it is good change. They need to remember the reasons for their decision to sell.

  2. Thank you for that comment, Mom. I try not to let my fear control my decisions and actions. I hope they can overcome their fears. We are trying to be patient, kind, and prayerful.

  3. So well put! It is wonderful to have compassion for the couple. I'm afraid I didn't have the same compassion for the couple we bought our house from because we came in and started ripping up the carpet as they were carrying out the rest of their things. I understand now how insensitive I was tearing up their memories right before their eyes. If you love this house as much as they do let them know and yes, remind them of why they wanted to sell. I think they will come around.
