Saturday, April 14, 2012

Miracle of Life

Yesterday, I remembered that Heavenly Father is very aware of me. 
In the morning I prayed, "Please help me to be motivated to take care of myself." 
Four hours later, I started blacking out. I ended up taking myself to a hospital emergency room and doing just that-- taking care of myself. Though I was told it could take all day, I had an MRI within less than an hour. Fortunately, my biggest fear, the thing I'd been worried about for almost a year, was not realized. I'm okay. I can plan for the future. Funny, I don't feel the least bit empty anymore.


  1. Living each day the best it can be is one way to plan for the future.

  2. So glad things went well and that you listened to the spirit. Looking forward to hearing more about your life. (((hugs)))

  3. Thanks for the responses. I'm doing fine now. But I do need to get a follow up (scheduled Tuesday) to figure what might have happened and how to prevent it from happening again. I'm also trying to acknowledge out loud any strange physical problems I have since I would normally ignore them. I used to think that talking about ailments was complaining, but now I realize there's a difference. I need to help myself and other people be aware. There's some things we need to talk about for one reason or another.
