Monday, January 2, 2012

Materialistic Happy Me

I know, I recently posted about how I don't like mall shopping or having too much stuff, but I've discovered a dangerous new passion: online shopping. Until this past Christmas, the only thing I'd purchased online was a pretty dress and a few books. The dress was a little small, so I ended up wearing it two or three times and then giving it away. The books were just books. Don't get me wrong, I really enjoy books. But wow, buying toys, clothing, and jewelry (specifically earrings!) online is pretty exciting, especially when the packages arrive. Presents! Delivered to your doorstep! So fun to rip open those brown packages and see the beautiful things inside.

I found the monster Webkins in the picture above (the beastie on the right) for my daughter for Christmas. She was very specific about what she wanted. I could have run all over town looking for him and still had no luck. I found this guy for less than I would have paid locally (if I could have found it at all) and it took me five minutes. Awesome. And as you can see from the picture she created above, she loves it.

Then of course, I had some free "cash" from some in-store shopping and decided to use it online for a little post-Christmas self-indulgence. Yeah, I ended up spending a little more than what would have been free, but it was so fun!

Yeah, this could become a problem. I wonder if I could enjoy selling stuff online just as much? Maybe I should try that next.


  1. Online shopping is a BIG problem for me. I love it so. Beware!

  2. Interesting that it seems so easy for some people. Maybe I just haven't done enough. I do research sometimes and then go in person, or use it as a last resort.

  3. Selling stuff online is really fun when the people use Paypal to pay you because then you have money to spend online (or you can have it put in your bank account). When I have that money in Paypal it feels like free money to me! I was then able to buy a couple of quilting supplies I wouldn't have spent the money on otherwise. So much fun! It's been a couple years since I've sold anything but boy it was fun. Just don't become a hoarder!
