Saturday, December 31, 2011


Those few of you who have followed my blogs over the years know that I like to pick one word to focus on during the whole year. For 2011 it was "confidence." The year before was its close cousin "courage." This next year, the word I've chosen is "hope."

I need it. I have spent most of my life letting fear be my guide and controller. Risk management comes naturally to me. But it's kept me from experiences and relationships. I'd much rather let hope be in charge. I'd much rather focus on the faith and possibilities of opportunity management. I'd rather trust. I'd rather be positive.

Unfortunately, this winter has been a little dull for me so far. As you can probably tell from the lack of December posts, not a lot inspired me. I was also very busy. Now things have slowed down. Yesterday, I decided I wanted to share what I've been thinking about in the way of honoring my preferences. I had the hope that if I took a picture of a glass outside it would be a good illustration of my post.

I brought a towel outside, spread it out on the ground, lay down, and took a few pictures. It was so invigorating just to be outside in the cooler air, to listen to the sounds of the neighborhood and nature, and to feel the warm unseasonable breeze. I decided it wouldn't be the last time I lay down on the grass this winter.

When I got up and was on my way out the gate to the front yard, I saw the feather in the picture above. It surprised me. So pretty and delicate. I was filled with gratitude for its presence and simple beauty.  It gave me hope and the realization that if I keep looking, if I don't give up, this dull winter can be just as happy and bright as any other. Spring and summer will come again.

I believe life can be light as a feather if we let it and if we turn to the Lord for help with the heavy things. I have the hope that practicing hope will help me make 2012 a good one.


  1. I always liked your idea of using a word to inspire the whole year, and I've wanted to do it for myself, but I never could decide on a word. Maybe my 2012 word should be JUST DECIDE FOR PETE'S SAKE! Then again, maybe I'll borrow Hope. I like that one.

  2. I like how hope is related to so many other things like faith and patience and charity. I hope you have a new year filled with of hope.

  3. Good word. Thanks for your vision of brightness. I needed this message today. xo

  4. Hope is such an important thing to have in our lives. What a great word for the year. I love your word of the year and like your friend Estelle I have a hard time narrowing things down to just one word. Perhaps I'll get it figured out in a few years. ;)
