Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Winter Wheeler

"Action!" has been the best word of the year. I've accomplished more I've set out to do and faced more fears this January than all past ones I remember.

Sometimes I've felt like a one-legged goose, but that's okay. This goose really has two legs, but at first I didn't see the other one tucked up in its feathers. It was a cold morning out at Wheeler Farm.

Some of the ice on the sidewalks reminded me of lace. 

Tons of geese and ducks at the farm today. Funny how the geese stay separate. They looked like they were supervising the ducks.
Many sidewalks were pure ice, but it was easy to find a way around. 
Walking at the farm is much more entertaining than walking on the treadmill. 


  1. Not sure why, but I thought about segregated fowl and then the pigs taking over ...those are pretty pictures though!

  2. I love looking at ice formations. Fascinating nature shapes and designs that always amaze me.

  3. Ice can be so beautiful! I'd like to see a picture of YOU too.
