Saturday, July 7, 2012


My 13-year-old was creating with chalk on the driveway at twilight last night. 
She inspired me to join in with her. This is her work. Mine isn't pictured here.

I didn't want to come inside afterwards. It was a beautiful evening with a cool, peaceful breeze. 
"Are you going to come in? Or am I going to have to drag you in?" she asked me.
I laughed.
I guess she thought someone might think it looked weird for me to be sitting on a chair (the one she dragged outside and stood on to take pictures) in the middle of the driveway alone in the dark.
I could have sat there for hours.
But I followed her in. 

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful artwork by both of you! Dusk is such a perfect time of day. I've heard that Dawn is pretty awesome too but I don't know if I have ever been up that early. ;)
