Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Blossoms Popping

Snow in the mountains.  Blossoms in the valley. It's definitely spring.

I went on bike ride #5 for 2011.  I went a little further this time, but I stopped more often and for longer.

You can see downtown Salt Lake off in the distance by the mountain.  This is the view from the edge of our 'burb.


  1. Beautiful blossom photos! The weather was perfect today for a bike ride too.

  2. Is that apricot? I feel unconnected with Utah spring to have to ask. Beautiful.

  3. I don't know what kind of blossoms they are. There is a row of these trees near the road that caught my attention while I was riding down a hill. Because they weren't in somebody's front yard, just their fenced side yard, I felt comfortable stopping to take pictures.
