Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Leaf Blankets

 It seems a pity to rake up all these beautiful leaves.  This is the "before" shot.  I raked up half of these after I took the picture.  I love walking on them.  They are soft and smooth because we've had so much rain.  When all these were on the tree and turning yellow, they were gorgeous.  I imagine when they start to decompose and mix with snow, they won't be so nice.  Otherwise, I wouldn't touch them.  I'm guessing this is only 1/2 of what was on the tree.  The other half has yet to fall.  Maybe we'll get some dry weather and they'll turn crunchy.  They'd be fun to play in if they dry.

The leaves from the bean tree aren't so pretty, but they are nicer to walk on than dirt.  I suppose if I have time, I should rake them up too.


  1. I love having mature trees in my yard, but in the fall we certainly pay a price. Worth every sweep of the rake, though!

  2. We miss the smell of fall and the dry air.
