Friday, May 20, 2011

Queen of Sugar

While I sat in the car and waited for my children to come out of school, this was my view.  I like the purple tree.
We went to the park today.
Do seagulls read English?  I think this one can since the garbage bin was labelled "sugar."  She's my kind of bird.  She seemed to be guarding it while other seagulls sat below.  My daughter took the picture.

Here is another picture my daughter took today.  It's the prettiest female duck I've seen.
I recommend hanging out at the park after school even on a semi-rainy day.


  1. just the word itself is suggesting the right thing to do about places like this...they are a great place to "park" yourself and hang out there for a while

  2. When the twins were younger the twins and I would take cracked corn and millet to Sugarhouse on Fridays and feed the ducks while we waited for B to get out of school. They love that memory. Spring is a fun time to watch the ducks with their little babies.
