Wednesday, December 1, 2021


 The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints does a Light the World initiative every Christmas season. They have a suggested calendar, or you can create your own. I decided to create one using their list of suggestions. Then they randomly assembled a calendar for me.

My prompt for today is to share someone else's work and say why it inspires you.

My sister made these snowflake earrings for me a few years ago. They are reminiscent of the snowflake ornaments my maternal grandmother gave us every Christmas for years. 

They inspire me because they show my sister's creativity and her love for me and our history. They remind me of my grandma. Also, they inspire me to join in my artistic, creative heritage.

My mother made this.

Her mother made this.

I belong to generations of love and creativity. This is just a small representation of that heritage which encompasses many kinds of creative mediums and includes my life's work.

1 comment:

  1. I have felt like a weak link in the crocheting and quilting department.
