Monday, September 30, 2013


My teenage daughter is an artist who often questions her obvious talent. On our way to high school this morning, the sun was trying to break through dark clouds.

"Doesn't the sky look other worldly?" I said. 

"Yeah, it's really cool," she said. 

"Yesterday, I was reading a blog of a missionary serving on an island off the coast of Panama. When she sees beautiful sunsets and the sea, she feels Heavenly Father definitely loves to paint." 

"I never thought of that." 

I knew she'd understand. I believe in her abilities as surely as I am grateful for the beauty of the sky.

1 comment:

  1. The sky and clouds are amazing! I love watching the sun as it reflects off the morning clouds. Pretty pretty.

    Fun to discus things with people you know will understand. There's an art intern teacher at my school- she's my new friend. I like that I can talk to her about things that sometimes are difficult to talk to other people.
